When childlike wonder collides with cutting-edge technology.
We are left to watch,
as the fabric of our existence is being changed.
Beyond Control
Four scientists accidentally create an AI that rapidly advances toward superintelligence.
As they watch its explosive growth, they are torn between wonder and terror, forced to navigate extreme opinions with increasingly little time.
Beyond Control
Hors de Contrôle
"Oh this is much worse than I thought" has been our prevailing thought throughout our journey.
We read, learn more, think this, then find it's even worse - and the cycle repeats.
We're likely not alone in feeling this way.
So we made it a story, simulating voices navigating AI to AGI development and the path to Superintelligence.
We hope it helps people relate, prepare, and care about the importance of superalignment.

Why we wrote this story
"Oh, this is much worse than I even thought"
Alex & Michael
Sources & Footnotes
Scientific Papers
Insider Essays
Recommended videos
We didn't use these as sources but think they summarize things very well)
More stories potentially?
We might launch this into a community of imaginative and kind people sharing their authentic AI journeys.
© 2024. All rights reserved to Alexandra Sfez & Michael Backlund.